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Highline College Honors Program

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Welcome to the Honors Program

The Honors Program is for motivated, academically successful students looking to enhance their academic experience and be better prepared for their next step.

Academic Preparation

This program provides students with the opportunity to turn their college-level classes into honors courses through advanced projects that complement the standard curriculum. Through rigorous research papers, class presentations and service learning opportunities, students build skills that will prepare them for upper division college work or immediate application in their career field.

Networking Opportunities

Students will have access to Honors alumni in a variety of fields, as well as opportunities to connect with college and scholarship representatives.

Personal Advising

Students interested in transfer work with the Honors Program Manager to find a college or university that is right for them and construct resumes and essays to use for college and scholarship applications.

Contact Information

Email: Send a Message

Phone: (206) 592-3331

Locations and Directions

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Highline College
Honors Program M/S 18-1

P.O. Box 98000
Des Moines, WA 98198-9800