Highline College

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Julie 2017-06-21T08:42:58+00:00


“Barbara helped me to exceed my goals at Highline. She gave me the space and the opportunity to become proud of who I am.”

About Julie

  • Highline GPA: 3.96 GPA
  • Transferred to: University of Washington, Tacoma
  • Major: Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
  • Graduation from HCC: Spring 2008
  • Financial Aid: “Next Step” Scholarship
  • Of Note: Honors scholar graduate, living with and triumphing over cerebral palsy



Julie on the Honors Program

After graduating from high school as Valedictorian, I had little doubt in my ability to do well in school. When I was introduced to Barbara Clinton and the Honors Program, there was no question that I would enthusiastically take on the challenges. What I did not anticipate was how Barbara and the Honors Program would force me to come to terms with my biggest personal challenge: accepting my disabilities, and my story, outside of the classroom.

I was born with Cerebral Palsy, a disorder that affects my balance and the way I walk. Throughout most of my life, I wanted nothing to do with anyone who attempted to tell me that I was an inspirational person or that I am not any different from my peers. Instead, I lived my life as though my challenges were not all that extraordinary and did everything in my power to appear “normal.” I regarded my lack of physical ability as simply one aspect of my life, ignoring the impact it has had on my aspirations and my sense of self.

My denial was made apparent the first day of Honors 100. Barbara told the class that, “Everyone has a story to tell.” My gut reaction was to cringe inwardly. That week, for the first time in my twenty years, I had to face my fear and tell my story through the Personal Statement essay. After several more of these essays throughout the quarter, I grew accustomed to, and even proud of, expressing my experiences and the positive ways in which they have shaped me. By the time the end of my second year arrived, I was ready to write the essay that granted me a full tuition scholarship.

I have the Honors Program to thank for where I am today. Here I am, a magna cum laude graduate of the Global Honors Program at the University of Washington – Tacoma, studying to take the LSAT and enter the law school classroom. Barbara helped me to exceed my goals at Highline, but she also gave me the space and the opportunity to become proud of who I am.